There will be two communion stations, one at each corner of the Church Sanctuary (one the baptismal font and one by the keyboard). We will use a sneeze/cough shield between the minister and the communicant.
It should be announced that parishioners may well decide not to receive Holy Communion if they feel the risk is too high, and that decision will be honored and respected.
There will be no distribution of the Precious Blood.
Neither the priest nor the communicants should wear gloves during the distribution of Holy Communion.
Congregants who are not coming forward to receive Holy Communion should still get out of their pews and follow the communion line so that no one will have to climb over anyone else.
There will be tape on the floor to show where to stand as a communicant waits to approach to receive communion. This is the same place for those that will not receive communion.
There also will be tape on the floor to show where to stand to demask, receive and consume the host.
The priest will hold the consecrated host over the communicants’ outstretched hands and drop the host into their hands, under the shield without touching their hands.
Communicants will receive the consecrated host in their hands only and not their tongue. Because of the sneeze/cough shield in place the communicant may remove the mask before approaching the minister to receive communion.
They must replace their mask immediately after receiving communion and then return to their pew down the middle aisle in a single line avoiding contact with other approaching communicants and people already seated in the pews.
The ministers of communion will have a table next to them with hand sanitizer. In the case of unintentional contact, they will sanitize their own hands immediately.