There will be no processions at the Masses, including no offertory processions. There should be no altar servers.
Choirs will be allowed but must wear masks while in movement. Congregational singing is allowed with face masks on.
There will be two communion stations an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist or a Deacon will be assigned to serve along with the presider.
In the sanctuary, the priest, the deacon, and the lector must respect strict social distancing.
There must be no passing of the basket for the offertory. Instead, a basket will be present at the main entrances and people can put their offering into it on their own.
We continue to encourage parishioners to use online giving.
During the consecration, hosts to be distributed will be placed on a second corporal to the side, so that they are not directly in front of the priest.
There will be no holding of hands during the Our Father. There will be no invitation to participate in a sign of peace.